Sampath Lakkaraju

33 south 3 rd street, San Jose, CA, 95113 · (408) 693-6142 ·

Graduate Student at San Jose State University with 3+ years of experience as a Software Engineer with hands-on on all phases of web development and a keen interest towards Autonomous Systems, Deep Learning and Computer Vision.


Instructional Student Assistant

  • Prepared and Modified course content on Business Intelligence
  • Assisted students in course related tools and technologies
September 2018 - January 2019

Software Engineer

  • Designed, developed and maintained sensitive data extraction, transformation and loading onto multiple databases in Linux and Windows environments
  • Automated the Data Transformation process saving approximately 90 min for every Data Load request
  • Collaborated with business analyst and users for data accuracy and validation
January 2014 - June 2017

EE Intern

  • Assisted and Job shadowed in Electrical substation operations and maintenance
  • Worked on Design and Placement of Electrical Machines in the substation
May 2011 - June 2011


San Jose State University

Master of Science
  • Object Oriented Programming and Data Structures
  • Machine learning
  • Autonomous Vehicles
  • Distributed Systems
  • Cloud Computing
  • Virtualization Technologies
  • Software Quality Assurance and Testing
August 2017 - May 2019(exp)

GPA: 3.39

Jawahar Lal Nehru Technology University

  • Neural Networks and fuzzy logic
  • Electrical Machines
  • Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
  • Control Systems
  • Electro Magnetic Fields
  • Network Theory
August 2009 - May 2013

GPA: 3.19


Programming Languages & Tools


Automated Cat Feeder

Developed a physical system using Raspberry-Pi which can dispense cat food at specified time and record cat’s weight while it feeds.


Developed a cloud application which resembles a SaaS by modifying the open source tools LabelMe (image annotation tool), OSSN (Open Source Social Network) onto multiple instance of EC2 and deploying load balancer and cloud watch

Spartan Messenger

Developing a messaging application using gRPC which provides group and individual messaging services with end-to-end message encryption and LRU cache

HandWritten Digit Recognizer

Implemented Convolutional Neural Networks on MNIST dataset for detecting handwritten digits in grayscale using Keras and Tensorflow as backend.

Tag Prediction for Stack Overflow post*

Developing a machine learning model which can generate tags for stack overflow post using weight vectors, K-NN, Tf-idf and LDA algorithms

*In progress


  • Understanding Engineering processes: Robotics, Self-driving cars and Sustainable Energy Generation
  • Exploring Raspberry pi and 3d printing
  • Watching Grand Tour (previously Top Gear), Sci-Fi movies and Tech documentaries
  • Cooking vegetarian dishes
  • Travelling, especially road trips


  • Global Employee Recognition
  • Bravo